HIV counseling and testing Services (HCTS)

HIV counseling and testing Services (HCTS)

HIV counseling and testing services are the key entry point to prevention of HIV infection and to treatment and care of people who are infected with HIV.

NACO has introduced two approaches under the National HIV Counselling & Testing Services Guidelines, 2016. (a) Facility-based services and (b) Community-based services. To enhance access to HIV Counselling and Testing Services with, Integrated Counselling and Testing Centers have been decentralized to the district, Sub-district and block levels through Stand-alone Integrated Counselling and Testing Centres (ICTCs), Public Private Partnership ICTCs, Facility-integrated ICTCs, public and private for HIV screening, and mobile ICTCs.

Services available at HCTS facilities include:

(i) counselling (pre-test counselling, informed consent and post-test counselling);

(ii)  testing and prompt delivery of test results with embedded quality assurance;

(iii)  ensuring audio-visual privacy and confidentiality; and

(iv)  linkages to appropriate HIV prevention, care, support and treatment services.


All HCTS facilities have been divided into two categories:

  1. Screening Facility (F-ICTC, PPP-ICTC, TI-ICTC, OPD, IPD, Emergency wards etc.), and
  2. Confirmatory Facility (SA-ICTC)


Current Status of HIV counseling and Testing Services (HCTS) facilities existing in the state-

Type of Health facilities No.of HCTS established
Stand Alone-ICTC 60
Mobile ICTC 10
Facility Integrated Counselling & Testing Centres() 175