Adolescent Education Programme (AEP)

Adolescence Education Programme (AEP)


The Adolescence Education Programme (AEP) is a joint initiative by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), Government of India, to equip every adolescent (child between 10-19 years) with scientific information, knowledge and life-skills to protect themselves from HIV infection and manage their concerns pertaining to reproductive and sexual health. AEP covers all the secondary and senior secondary schools of the country. Nodal teachers transact the AEP for students in classes 9th and 11th for minimum of 16 hours in an academic year. The methodology adopted for AEP is interactive, participatory and based on life-skills.


  1. Aims and objectives of AEP
    • Aims:
  • Provide opportunities for the reinforcement of existing positive behavior and strengthening of life skills that enable young people to protect themselves from and cope with risky situations they encounter in their lives.
  • Reinforce development of behavior that will empower adolescents to make healthy choices.
  • Prevention of new infections of HIV among youth.


1.2 Objectives:

  • All schools integrate and provide accurate age appropriate life skills based adolescence education in a sustained manner in schools.
  • Structured education to enhance knowledge and skills of adolescents to deal with challenges of life.


Topics covered under AEP:

  • Growing up and Adolescence Reproductive Sexual Health
  • Mental Health and Substance Abuse
  • HIV/AIDS and STIs/RTIs
  • Life skills for HIV prevention